Tony Klimas – Featured IPA member


Based in New Jersey and Florida, I am an executive with a large professional services firm, but photography has always been an important part of my life.  I started as a child, using a Voigtlander Vitomatic rangefinder that belonged to my father and I guess at some point, he wanted it back so for my 10th birthday, I received a Pentax K1000, a camera that I still have and occasionally use today.  My lifelong photographic journey has been mainly as a hobbyist but later in life I was fortunate to work on a part time basis as a paid freelancer covering news, events and professional sports for the online division of a major newspaper in Florida. I also did some commercial work and even a few weddings during this time.   While I still engage in all sorts of photography, including current experiments with film and developing at home, my passion for the last year or so has been street photography, and it is these photos I am proud to showcase here.  I am fortunate that I get to do quite a bit of travel and I always have a camera with me.   I’m still growing and learning, and I have appreciated the camaraderie afforded by the International Photographers Alliance (IPA) so it’s a real honor to be featured here.


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